Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cardiac Disease among African American Male, Age 30 to 50 Essay

Cardiac Disease among African American Male, Age 30 to 50 - Essay Example The objective of the paper is to identify and diagnosis the problem in respect of cardiac disease among the African American males between the ages of 30 to 50. The identification is done by developing a health promotion plan within the target group. The Department of Health and Human Services in the U.S. has greatly influenced the objective to prevent the heart disease and to promote awareness among the people. The literature review done in the paper would enable depicting the reason behind a high rate of cardiac disease among the African American males and females having the highest percentage of mortality rate than the other gender and race. It also depicts the current nursing interventions and the successful and unsuccessful interventions of the heart disease. A short-term objective has been shown to determine the process of conducting awareness and identifying the causes of heart disease that will provide knowledge and promote the awareness among the public about the heart disea se. Part I: Nursing Process: Community Diagnosis Literature Review Healthy People: 2020 ‘Healthy People’ is a designed structure that promotes awareness among the people of the United States regarding health and avoidance of disease with a set of goals, as well as objectives with a 10-year target. The goals of ‘Healthy People’ are to prevent repeated heart attacks and to improve the health of the people through awareness, detection and treatment. Cardiac disease is a major factor leading to death among the people in the U.S. African American males of the ages of 30-50 years are the main victims of cardiac disease. ‘Healthy People’ is a program of the Department of Health and Human Services of the U.S. that provides an idea of science-based objectives to measure and to keep track of the health issues in a particular population. ‘Healthy People’ serves as the institution for activities, such as prevention, as well as wellness among t he people in different sectors of National Government. It is also used as a model to measure health of people at state, as well as at local levels (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Goals of Healthy People: 2020 ‘Healthy People’ program has certain specific comprehensive goals, such as aiming high quality lives for people that is prevented from disease, injury, as well as untimely death.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hacking is Stealing Essay Example for Free

Hacking is Stealing Essay Hacking started in the ‘70s when a group of friends decided to tap into phone lines and make calls for free. Those people were called Phone Phreaks, a group of young men who twisted technology and used their technological know-how to create simpler solutions to complicated problems. What started as an intrinsically good past time slowly became a form of pranksterism. The Phone Phreaks soon held phone conferences from everywhere in the world. However, Telephone companies were less than delighted, and phone tapping became a crime. As more and more Phone Phreaks got persecuted for these crimes, the movement stopped, and the Phone Phreaks were almost of the extrinct race. However, the sensibilities of trying to one-up learned engineers and big corporations did not die down. A couple years passed and the same Phone Phreaks discovered a new form of technology to â€Å"play† with: the computer. And the exact same people who started and led Phone Phreak conferences were the people who started hacking computers, a new revolutionary product that everyone wanted to have. Back then, computers really did not have any practical purpose at home, but for a hacker, the simple joy of watching the screen light up, and looking at moving blobs of colors were enough. However, with the advent of the internet, everything changed. When the internet was first used, all the information was open for everyone to use and manipulate. However, with the internet slowly becoming a place of business and transactions, where a lot of personal and, supposedly, confidential information about people and companies are stored, hackers posed as a huge threat What started as a hobby of manipulating electronics to prank people and find easier solutions for common problems turned into something more serious. While Phone Phreaking in the 70s was encouraged as somewhat of an exercise of the mind, computer hacking was a far different story. Computer hackers did not stop at pranking people; they started to use information they gained from hacking government and corporate computers. Hacking became a crime. According to PCWorld. About. com, some people even rigged phone systems to win two Porsches and other prizes at a radio contest. This poses an ethical problem that has always been a problem in society since the beginning of time: stealing. No matter what mode they use, may it be as blatant as rigging telephone lines to win prizes, or as furtive as stealing an identity to escape prosecution by the law, it is still all considered stealing. Taking someone else’s property, and using the results of someone else’s hard work (without permission, and through deceit) to your advantage is very unethical, and is one of the most basic things society teaches us not to do, no matter how hard times may be. Somehow, hackers forget that what they do is stealing, because they are too focused on breaking down systems and trying to outsmart companies and electronics. Hackers are intelligent people, yet instead creating their own products and reap the fruits of their own labor, they do the opposite, and use their skills and abilities to take advantage of other people’s weaknesses.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Process Of Change In The Workplace

The Process Of Change In The Workplace In recent years, changes in the economy and the business environment have forced some organisations to modify the way in which the business was transacted. It is the duty of the managers and supervisors to bring about changes to the organisation so as to face the competitive world and to have existence in the business world. It is important on behalf of the business unit to understand the importance of changes in the modern business world.(Burnes, 2004) Organisations must to alter themselves in the business areas since eachday our world present new things kind of thing for us. And too all the big organizations have extensively choice of employee. So, organizations always have a intention and they can get their aims with their employee. Furthermore they have to know and understand them to get utmost success from them. In contrast , day to day the new employees are taking their position in the organizations but we can see simply many people who has different culture in the organizations. Consequently the subject is on that state of affairs, managers have to get a ample communication with them As a consequently, the major reason of this assignment is How significant is it for managers have a good understanding of cultural diversity in the work place? Conversely , we will look at some communication hypothesis to hold up our main question. There is nothing in the world which is steady except for changes. So as to stay successful the organisations has to believe changes and stay on having ground-breaking thoughts to have competitive compensation over other firms in the competition. Only the fittest organisation can survive - Charles Darwin and in the rivalry only those organisation can survive which adapts altering process. No business man is in the business to undergo losses.(Jaffe, 2004) The organisational changes signifies main changes undertaken via an organisation quite than the pair of slight changes been undertaken by them for e.g. appointment or dismissal of employees otherwise making changes in the program, which might be in assignment of the companys survival , reform operations, new technologies, mergers, major collaborations, novel programs which includes Sum Quality Management, re-engineering etc. Alter is predictable in the modern workplace. Changes in technology, changes in procedure and changes in the market and the wider economy all present their own sole challenges to employers and the employees. optimistic or pessimistic way . If the change is taken in a optimistic way than it is going to be in a great being for the firm. On the opposing if the employees takes the changes in a pessimistic way than it will be result the working of the organisation and the organisation will not be up to attain its preferred results. Alter have been defined by many authors in numerous way . According to Laura and Harmony Staff ( Accessed on 18th April, 2008, A concerted, planned effort to add to organizational effectiveness and health by means of changes in the organizations dynamics using behavioural discipline information Changes in organisation comes in two levels: Level one, |Consulting to make changes in the row for organisation of a structural, rule or technical nature. Level Two, The purpose for one person or many people in the row organisation to have learned something new.( Carr, 1995) There are several views about how organizations expand and change over time. In the 1970s, Greiner recommended that, as organisations turn out to be additional grown up and possibly get bigger, they go through a number of important changes in order to maintain an satisfactory level of performance. There are five stages of organisation growth, and the change from one to the next is triggered by a disaster. Change management is a methodical approach to dealing with change, both from the viewpoint of an organisation and on the individual level. A rather indistinc term, change management has at least three different aspects, counting: adapting to change, scheming change, and effecting change. A practical approach to commerce with change is at the centre of all three aspects. For an organisation, change management means important and implementing events or technologies to deal with changes in the business environment and to profit from changing opportunities. (Burnes, 2004) Harrison complaint that there are a number of levels of intercession and that the depth of intercession have to be shallow as the problem permits. Cognitive and irrational problem-solving techniques for instance those used in management accounting and operational research are located at the shallow end of the range of available strategies. Manufacturing psychology based methods, focusing on the individual and their task relationships are at a rather deeper level and include occupation improvement and management by objectives (MBO) At the sincer level are those instrumental approaches, which effort to change attitudes and social orientations as well as task-related behaviour. Organisational improvement is such an approach: see later in this chapter. A lot of business managers center their alter efforts at a specific level within the organisation such as the level of the: Individual; in the belief that organisational behaviour is determined by the characteristics of the a members. The aspire is a to develop personals skill levels, behaviour and motivation. Techniques employed incorporate education and teaching and management improvement. Organisation of structure and systems; claiming that organisational behaviour is determined by characteristics of the organisational situation in which people work. The aspire is to direct members behaviour to organisational goals and techniques subsumption structural and technical modifications such as divisionalisation, matrices, size, jop redesign, reward systems and management by ojectives. Organisational climate and interpersonal style; such managers believe that emotional and social processes, which characterise the relations among members, determine organisational behaviours. Their aims are to create system with a wide climate of high interpersonal trust and openness and a reduction in the dysfunctional consequences of excessive social conflict and competitiveness. The principal technique is organisation development. Obviously no one level should be focused on exclusively and a balance of approaches should be the aim. (carr, 1995) According to the Leavitts model of change management Leavitt argued that succeeded in one organisation were not necessarily successful in another. He suggests that the chosen approach to change in a particular organisation should reflect the underlying beliefs within that organisations. Seeking improved solutions to tasks will be largely technical, that is seeking to improve the quality of decisions. The task approach, even were it involves clear changes of methods, is clearly interrelated to the other three approaches. This approach covers: The traditional performance approaches of ensuring proper division of labour, levels of authority and responsibility, defining chain of command, span of control. Decentralisation, the creation of project centres and localising of decision-making creating a high level of local autonomy. Communication patterns, the consideration of communication channels and flows; thus for repetitious, predictable work a highly centralised communication structure seems most efficient, whereas for novel, loosely structured tasks, a more open multi channel communication network seems more appropriate. Taylors Scientific Management is an early example of this approach category, which includes method study approaches where an outsider views the work pattern and suggests changes in a technological approach. Updating and replacement of equipment is a natural example of an external approach. The essence is that the approach occurs outside of the work group itself.(Jaffe, 2004) Team working, approach preparation, changes in styles of organization are for instance of the people approach. Each change can therefore be move toward through one of these main four methods other than it must be remembered that there is strong coaction between these categories. For instance , a change in technology ( introduction of a computer) will power tasks (production may be quicker or better) and a change in arrangement could mean less staff needed. A change in any category is likely to have an effect upon people approach. According to the change theory of Kurt Lewin, who put forward ideas about how planned change should be introduce in an organisation. His views are from time to time called prescriptive planned change theory. A intended change procedur should begin with an analysis and diagnosis of the current situation, in order to recognize the sources of the problem and recognize the opportunities for improveme The change procedur be supposed to experience three stages the first one is called as Unfreeze, second group considered as change and lastly it is named as Re-Freeze. Unfreezing implies change will mean abandoning obtainable put into practice before the new practices are implemented successfully. In order to conquer resistance they should be allow to have their current behaviour which are being influence by them. Unfreezing will guide to formation of misgivings and the fear of the unknown. It will help to motivate the staff and overcoming the desirability of the fright situation of the staff. Managers can bring in the process of instruction and teaching at this phase. In this process communication plays an significant position. Managers should communicate to the staff who are going to sway these changes so as to help them to understand clearly the procedure of change and accepting it. Changes should be made understood to additional bet holders who are going to be affected by changes and the process of unfreezing their proves behaviour to helpful in adopting changes successfully. (Lewin, 1951) Movement is the which procedure comes after the procedure of unfreezing which means touching from current position to the intended new changes responsibility. Management of this process involves wining the support of people who are affected in the process of change. When we look at the helping point, manager should try to create contribution via others in the change process. It helps to decrease the resistance to change as well as become successful in adapting the changes and make it more successful. It will too help to develop communication of the cause for change and in knowing the cause so as to for the changes undertaken. In order to make change successful, there must be support from employees. Employees have to be convinced for successfully adapting changes. In the rule of Re-freeze, Lewin argued that even if the change is implemented successfully,the success could be short -lived because the employees might to back to their former behaviour and methods. An important way of making the change stick is through the use of rewards. Motivation theory suggest that, If individuals have strong need for reward, and if they see that they will probably achieve those rewards by acting in certain manner.(Lewin 1951) The re-freeze process is essential in order to stabilise the change and to reinforce the new pattern of the working or behaviour. An important way to undertake changes is y giving rewards. If the employees feel that they will receive rewards for sticking to act in the way managers want they will surely provide support in the changing process. Reporting system are essential to provide better performance and in trying to ensure that the targets and the targets. The control system might use benchmarks in order to compare performance and the standard of performances as well as for specifying the responsibilities of key managers and the work groups. |The following Examples will illustrate how this system works out: British Airways on becoming privatisation: From being bureaucratic public sector to commercial organisation which had to be serviced oriented having a market driven culture. Changes which were to be undertaken were reducing the strength of the organisation from 59,000 employees to 37,000 employees, flatten the hierarchical structure and introduce changes in the operational system and structures.(Slomon, 2004) Now the following analysis will demonstrate the view of managers who work as managers in several Companies. However following questions were asked to the manager and taken their answers from their point of view on business change. 1. How is it important for managers to have greater understanding of the process of change in a work place? In recent years the banking and finance sector has been subject to great changes, specially because of the global credit crisis sparked by the sub-prime lending in the American Market. Due to these, it is essential for the line and cost centre managers to understand the drivers for changes as well as the processes that governs the changes. says Peter Leach who work in FitchRating ltd as managing director. Basically he suggests that the process of change may adapt by itself in order to suit the circumstances. If managers do not understand the reasons for undertaking changes then they will not be able to meet the unforeseen challenges 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of change in the work place? According to the John Lionson who is one of the change managers in HSBC group saying that changes come in many form, say it might come in form of a major business change (takeover) or indeed in the senior management change which is quite often these days in the banking and finance sector. Advantages can be considered to be such which often brings challenges to the staff resulting in the innovation and new ideas. It may act as springboards for talented staff members and increase their efficiency and prove to be an asset for the firm. These changes can prove to be profitable as well as successful. 3. How often a company should make changes in the working environment? This question was answered by Peter Leach who told that this issue depends on the nature of the business. It is common in the field of banking and finance. It is common for the field of banking and finance to have major changes once in every 2 to 3 years. This may not be applicable to public sectors wherein the changes are less common as well as subjected to external factors. It is said that changes should be undertaken whenever the need arises not for the sake for doing so. 4. What are the factors that forces the company to make changes? According to the answer of Ian Williams, works for Bizzforyou ltd as senior manager counted these in order which are, take over/mergers, major advantages in the technology, changing market place, foreign exchange factors, cost of materials, cost of resources and productivity. 5. How do you measure of the value change? The only real values are share holders sentiments, profits and the stock market value of the company in the banking and finance sector. While staff morale is important, it is likely that a company is likely to have a lower churn rate than a unsuccessful one. added Peter Leach. In my conversation, I observed that 50% of managers consider that change must be done equally among the staff, however, 80% of them mainly think that company can be successful if managers drive it in a correct way.70% of managers support the idea of changing process due to achieve the companies goals. In conclusion, change can never be fully planned due to unexpected problems and follow on effects, many organisations are adopting a positive attitude to the need for change , Leavitt recognised four variables, which can be affected by change and claimed that these entry points can be come specific targets for managerial efforts to instigate change. The variables are : task, structure, technology, people. With these process change can work out successfully in businesses. REFERENCES: Carr D, (1995) Managing the Change Process: A Field Book for Change Agents, Consultants, Mcgraw hill professional, pp98-107 Jaffe D. (2004) Managing Change at Work: Leading People Through Organizational Transitions Thompson Crisp Learning,pp45-56 Burnes B., (2004) Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organisational Dynamics Pearson education, pp358-376 Slomon, J.(2004) Essantials of economics Printence Hill,pp89-103 Lewin, K.(1951) Theory of Change7th edition, pp105-112 PRIMARY DATA COLLECTIONS: Peter Leach, Fitch Ratings, Managing the director.02074173504 e-mail: [emailprotected] John Lionson, HSBC group ,Change manager, 02074351976 e-mail: [emailprotected] Ian Williams, Bizzforyou ltd, senior manager, 02081759091 e-mail:[emailprotected]

Friday, October 25, 2019

All about me :: essays research papers

Web Tools: The Future Is Now The Internet is already the No. 1 applications target for developers, according to an Evans Data survey. Web development is about to enter the top five in terms of IT spending. And (no surprise here) experts say the Web will only play a bigger role in companies’ business applications plans. In other words, the future of Web development is now. But the tools underpinning this trend have a back-to-the-future feel. Consider Mozilla: The browser experts at Netscape have been honing their code for years, with the support of developers intent on slowing Microsoft's Internet Explorer juggernaut. Now America Online (Netscape's parent) might replace its AOL browser with Mozilla—a move that could give Netscape a market share of millions, literally overnight. Then there's X3D (Extensible 3D), the successor to the old VRML spec. Experts say X3D's compatibility with XML could usher in "bold new navigation and rendering possibilities" for developers and pave the way for virtual-reality apps over the Internet. With other real-time Web-collaboration products poised to become as critical to the enterprise as e-mail, now's the time to learn where Web development is going. Better to be ready for the future than stuck in the past. — Larry Lange Much Ado About Netscape Mozilla - InternetWeek Netscape has been gone so long it's hard to say what its return might mean. Then again, AOL is considering it as a replacement for its own browser. Netscape's Return: The Readers Talk Back - InternetWeek More than 5,000 readers respond to questions about Netscape. And a surprisingly high number of them say they'll standardize on Mozilla. VRML Successor Aims For 3-D Web - InternetWeek The Web3D Consortium has debuted a new spec it says could make 3-D graphics a mainstream part of the Web. A New Development Sweet Spot? - InternetWeek Web-development shops are readying new tools that, when used with Macromedia, ColdFusion, XML, Java, and SOAP, could bring new flexibility to application development.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Beauty Contests Are Harmful

The old saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, someone or something that is considered attractive to one person may not necessarily appeal to another. If we lived in a perfect world, maybe everyone would follow the wise words of this old saying and admit that evaluating beauty is a subjective practice. However society that does exist feels some strong compulsion to turn every aspect of people’s lives into a competition. In my opinion, the prize of Beauty Queen in one competition society could live without. Beauty contests are an unnecessary element in society simply because they set unrealistic beauty standards for an audience of easily influenced young girls, they encourage judging on appearance, rather than on a person's character, and mainly because they objectify women. Beauty contests are well promoted by the media, with television and images, which influence young women’s opinions on appearance. The participants of these contests are poor role models for these girls as they set impractical body weight, breast size and clear skin standards. This sets an ideal female body, which only a minority of women can realistically aspire. This adds pressure on all women to conform which can then become incredibly harmful to young women by encouraging dieting, eating disorders and cosmetic surgery, or simply making them feel inadequate and ugly. An article, titled â€Å"Thoughts about Miss Teen USA,† out of a local American magazine was written by a young teen in 2005, who had just watched ‘Miss Teen’ on NBC. Her recap of the contest was; â€Å"White teeth. White teeth. Prom-style dress. Blonde. White teeth. Blonde. Chandelier earings. Tan. Blonde. Tan. Strapless gown. † Followed by â€Å"That’s all you need to know† This certainly does not promote the contest in fact quite the contrary. The statement made by this young teen is not one that is from a minority. She is one of thousands that view this as the â€Å"norm† for a woman of beauty. It is not healthy for a young teen to think there is one type of beauty or one type of accepted body. It is harmful and could lead to both physical and emotional damage. Secondly, beauty contests further the belief that looks are superior to a person’s abilities, feelings and heart. These women are judged solely on the bases of physical appearance. The existence of talent just does not work simply because an â€Å"ugly† person just won’t win! Judging women but not men, primarily on their looks contributes to the subjugation of women because other qualities, such as intelligence, are not seen as part of ideal femininity and therefore not as things to which women should aspire. Miss USA 2002 went to a tall blonde ditzy Ohio woman, who was won over by the crowd when she made her statement that education was important and that you can tell if someone has an education by looking at them. The irony in the statement being that beauty contests are not shallow and are not just based appearance. Beauty being seen as a high priority to men and women all over the world is harmful because it discourages women to be different and to show women are not â€Å"just a pretty face. † Lastly, beauty contests strongly promote the negative aspect that women are seen as objects of sexual interest. These contests fail to challenge harmful political attitudes to women. They do nothing to aid the liberation of women, in fact by promoting looks as the most important feminine quality, they harm women’s liberation in general. On the 17th of February the Campus National Organisation for Women protested the Miss UF Beauty Pageant. They handed out 300 protest flyers which stated their disgust with Florida Blue Key and the University of Florida for holding a sexist pageant where women must be inspected in swimsuits and parade around in evening gowns in order to be awarded scholarship money. This shows how beauty contests encourage women to see themselves as an object (like a car) to be judged by men. Beauty contests hurt women by treating them as objects held up to a strict standard of â€Å"beauty,† a standard that is painful, time-consuming, and expensive for women to try to achieve. In a high percentage of Hollywood films, even those in which the woman should be portrayed as a strong willed, independent heroine, usually feature women being played off solely as sex objects. Though there is nothing wrong with a woman being classified as â€Å"sexy† it should not be the entire package. One made of uniqueness, intelligence and charm is what should be promoted. Movies such as; Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Charlies Angels, send the same message to the young men and woman, that beauty contests do, which is that only one kind of women’s body is acceptable. This is harmful to a majority of women as beauty contests are encouraging men to treat them as an object rather than woman with opinions and uniqueness. Beauty contests are an unnecessary element in society because they set unrealistic beauty standards for an audience. There are contests out there, which attempt to create a judgment of well-balanced people. These sorts of competitions are trying to promote the intelligence mixed with beauty side, which should be heavily commended. However, contests in which beauty is emphasised as a solitary basis for winning, like beauty contests, are dangerous and harmful to society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Africa Africa, second largest of Earth's seven continents, covering 23 percent of the world's total land area and containing 13 percent of the world's population. Africa straddles the equator and most of its area lies within the tropics. It is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the west, the Indian Ocean and Red Sea on the east, and the Mediterranean Sea on the north. In the northeastern corner of the continent, Africa is connected with Asia by the Sinai Peninsula.Africa is a land of great diversity. If you were to trek across the continent, you would pass through lush, green forests and wander vast, grassy plains. You would cross barren deserts, climb tall mountains, and ford some of the mightiest rivers on Earth. You would meet diverse people with a wide range of cultures and backgrounds and hear hundreds of different languages. You would pass through small villages where daily life remains largely the same as it has been for hundreds of years, as well as sprawling cities with skyscrapers, modern economies, and a mix of international cultural influences.Zik Zak og Optiker RÃ ¸vik i Thomas Angells gateHis reputation for leadership, personal integrity, and dependability acquired him the title of "Zik of New Africa".Benjamin Nnamdi Axikiwe was born on November 16, 1904 in Zunguru, Northern Nigeria, to Onistsha Ibo parents. Here he learned of the inequalities of Colonialism when his father, Obed-Edom Chukwaemeka Axikiwe, a civilian clerk of a British army regiment was forced to leave his job because of discrimination. When Nnamdi was eight we went to live with his paternal grandparents, where he became fluent in the Ibo and Yoruba languages. He eventually learned English, when he began schooling at a Catholic Missionary School, where he excelled at sports as well as academics. This began a series of school transfers for Nnamdi because of his academic excellence. He attended the Wesleyan Boys High School in Lagos as well as the Hope Waddell Training Institute...